5 daily practical actions that will make you think positive

This post provides a concise summary of a TED talk (https://www.ted.com/talks/shawn_achor_the_happy_secret_to_better_work) I watched. It was by Shawn Achor who researches and teaches about positive psychology.

This post highlights five practical actions for improving happiness and work performance. You may already know or may have read or are already practicing some or all of these.

Sharing them here as a note-to-self and for you to use.

  1. 3 Gratitudes – Thinking about 3 things one is grateful for at the beginning or end of the day has helped me focus on what I am grateful for rather than what I don’t have. Consider starting or ending your day by thinking about three things you are grateful for.
  2. Journaling – Journaling/writing about 1 positive experience from the past 24 hours helped me cultivate a focus on the positive things that have happened in my day.
  3. Exercise – Some kind of physical activity on a regular basis has helped me with my mood and keep my body healthy. Engage in regular physical activity to improve mood and overall health.
  4. Meditation – Helped me calm my mind when in stressful situation or when I get distracted. Focus on present and the task at hand is useful. As there are many videos on YouTube on meditation, a few minutes while I sip my coffee or before going to bed have worked for me.
  5. Do random acts of kindness – A thank you to the cashier at the store, for example.

Ryan Holiday mentions in his book The Daily Stoic, Perfection is the enemy of action and Start with where the world is. Starting wherever you are and whatever you can do is important. Practice at least one of these regularly improves positivity. It has helped me and hope it helps you!